West Hartford Legislator Co-Signs Letter Requesting President Trump’s Appointment of Anti-Semitism Envoy

Published On: July 9, 2017Categories: Government, Reader Contributed

State Rep. Derek Slap (D-West Hartford, Avon, Farmington) is one of three Connecticut legislators, and more than 60 state legislators from across the country who has signed a letter asking President Donald Trump to appoint a ‘Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism.’


The Trump Administration has signaled that it does not plan to replace the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism at the State Department. The remaining staff in that office will be transferred to other offices this month. The Special Envoy plays a key role in diminishing anti-Jewish hatred overseas – and has been mandated by law since the George W. Bush Administration.

This position has been important to fighting anti-Semitism and past envoys have made key accomplishments to fight hate abroad.

The following is the text of the letter, and it has also been provided in PDF form below with the names of all of the signatories:

July 7, 2017

Honorable Donald J. Trump
The White House
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

As state legislators representing diverse communities that often deal with anti-Semitism, we ask that you fill the current vacancy and appoint a Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat anti-Semitism in the U.S. State Department. This is an office that was created in 2004 with bipartisan congressional support and has had the full support of the last two Presidents. The office should also be adequately staffed and funded.

As we address anti-Semitism and hate crimes at the local level at home, anti-Semitism appears to be much more prevalent in other nations. Since 2004, the Special Envoy helped document abuses against Jewish communities abroad, as well as develop and implement approaches to fight antiSemitism, filling a major void. The Special Envoy was also able to address specific problems in France, Argentina, Hungary, Ukraine, Greece and Egypt that might have otherwise not been properly addressed.

This nation has been a leader in the fight against anti-Semitism and for human rights. The Special Envoy has played a unique and important role in this effort. Please appoint a Special Envoy to help eradicate anti-Semitism.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.

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