West Hartford Police Honors Boy Scout for his Eagle Scout Project

Published On: June 11, 2015Categories: Happenings

Gregory Donovan built and donated two benches for the West Hartford Dog Pound for his Eagle Scout project, and on Wednesday evening he was officially honored by the West Hartford Police Department.

By Katie Cavanaugh

Gregory Donovan built and donated these two benches to the West Hartford Dog Pound. Submitted photo.

Gregory Donovan built and donated these two benches to the West Hartford Dog Pound. Submitted photo.

Gregory Donovan, a junior at Hall High School, was honored by the West Hartford Police Department for his working crafting two benches that he then donated to the West Hartford Dog Pound as part of his Eagle Scout project.

“They’re for people who are coming to see the animals,” said Donovan. “The people at the dog pound say they really spruce up the corner. They look really beautiful.”

Donovan realized that he wanted to help animals for his project, and decided to call the West Hartford Dog Pound to see if they needed any help. Once they told him they could use new benches, the rest was history.

Hall High School junior Gregory Donovan (center) was received a Citizen Award from West Hartford Animal Control Supervisor Karen Jones (left) and Assistant Police Chief Daniel Coppinger on June 10. Photo courtesy of Anne Donovan

Hall High School junior Gregory Donovan (center) was received a Citizen Award from West Hartford Animal Control Supervisor Karen Jones (left) and Assistant Police Chief Daniel Coppinger on June 10. Photo courtesy of Anne Donovan

Donovan built, sanded, and painted the benches with help from family and friends. “My neighbors are carpenters and volunteered their time to help build the benches,” said Donovan. “Volunteers from the troop came over for the painting.”

On Wednesday night, Assistant Chief Dan Coppinger from the West Hartford Police Department and West Hartford Animal Control Supervisor Karen Jones came to Donovan’s monthly Boy Scout meeting to honor him for his work. Coppinger presented him with a Citizen Award from the West Hartford Police Department.

Jones said she was honored that Donovan thought of helping the dog pound for his project. “We’re kind of the forgotten people,” said Jones. “For people of the community to realize we have needs, too, is touching.”

Jones said the benches have made the dog pound a more welcoming environment for those who are visiting the pound. “It gives a safe place for people to sit and interact with the dogs,” said Jones. “It’s more than just donating benches. It’s bringing awareness, comfort, and more potential adoptions to the dog pound.”

Donovan said he is happy with how they project turned out, and he does not want his time with the Boy Scouts to end when he becomes an Eagle Scout.

“I think I may become an adult leader,” he said. “I think it may be a good way to stay involved during my senior year.”

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  1. Mike Shauck June 12, 2015 at 8:09 AM - Reply

    Way to go Gregory!! Your neighbors and fellow Troop 44 Scouts are proud of you!

  2. Chris Haddad June 12, 2015 at 1:19 PM - Reply

    Great work, Gregory!

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