West Hartford RTC Assists American Legion and Scouts with Flag Planting

Published On: May 25, 2022Categories: Government, Reader Contributed

Flag planting at Fairview Cemetery. Courtesy of West Hartford RTC

The West Hartford Republican Town Committee, as well as gubernatorial candidate Bob Stefanowski, helped American Legion Hayes-Velhage Post 96 and various scout troops plant American flags on the graves of veterans at Fairview Cemetery in honor of Memorial Day.

Flag planting at Fairview Cemetery. Courtesy of West Hartford RTC


Over thirty-five members, family, and friends of the West Hartford Republican Town Committee (RTC) showed support for the American Legion and Boy Scouts of America this past Saturday by participating in an annual event honoring veterans for Memorial Day. The volunteers assisted the American Legion, Boy Scouts of America, and fellow neighbors by planting American Flags on veterans’ gravesites at Fairview Cemetery.

“This has become an honorable and patriotic tradition for the RTC,” said Shawn Daly, West Hartford RTC chairman. “Years ago, the former Republican Town Council Minority Leader, Denise Bernard Hall, started the tradition for the RTC to participate in this event. We’re proud to continue the tradition and just like our RTC membership, our volunteers who participate with us is growing every year.”

Bob Stefanowski, the Republican candidate for governor, also participated with the West Hartford RTC for the event. “It’s an honor to pay homage to those that served our country,” said Stefanowski. “I felt privileged to join the West Hartford RTC for this event.”

Republican Town Council member Al Cortes also participated on Saturday. Cortes is a veteran and former member of the Connecticut Army National Guard. “As a veteran, I feel it’s important that we continue to recognize and honor the memory of our veterans and their service to our country,” said Cortes. “It’s great that West Hartford RTC members, friends, and family support the American Legion and Boy Scouts of America for this event.”

In addition to Stefanowski and Cortes, other Republican candidates and elected officials who participated in the event were Ethan Goldman, West Hartford Board of Education representative, as well as Anastasia Yopp, state House candidate for the 18th District and Juan Villamizar, state Senate candidate for the 5th District.

You can find more information about the West Hartford Republican Town Committee by viewing their website at www.whgop.org.

Flag planting at Fairview Cemetery. Courtesy of West Hartford RTC

Flag planting at Fairview Cemetery. Courtesy of West Hartford RTC

Flag planting at Fairview Cemetery. Courtesy of West Hartford RTC

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