West Hartford Scout Troop Invites Youth Ages 11-17 to Join

Published On: May 18, 2021Categories: Lifestyle, Reader Contributed

Alex Bolton on bstacle course at JN Webster Scout Camp. Courtesy photo

BSA Troop 12, which will be attending a summer camp this July, is looking to welcome additional members.

Crossing over ceremony welcoming a new scout. From left: Scoutmaster Will Mackey, Noah Twist, Alex Bolton. Courtesy photo


The Scouts BSA Troop 12 is looking for boys and girls aged 11 to 17 to join and participate in the adventures of Scouting!

Based in West Hartford at the First Church of Christ, Troop 12 is one of the oldest troops to be chartered in America. The troop dates back to before the official founding of the Boy Scouts of America in 1910, and was therefore one of the very first troops in the Scouting program, as established by Robert Baden-Powell in England.

The troop, led by William Mackey, offers the opportunity to learn and develop life and leadership skills as well as meeting and making new friends through a combination of outdoor activities, visits to cultural or historical sites and more.  One of the hallmarks of the troop is camping each summer at Camp Yawgoog in Rockville, Rhode Island.

Scouters’ Tent at Santa Fe Campsite at Camp Yawgoog. Courtesy photo

The troop is also dedicated to community service. One of their annual activities is partnering with other Scout groups in West Hartford to plant flags at Fairview Cemetery for Memorial and Veterans Day. This year the troop is also participating in the “Plant a Row For the Hungry” campaign at Westmoor Park to help grow and harvest food for local families.

In addition to troop-centered activities, the troop is partnering with another West Hartford troop as well as a troop from Avon.  The partnership affords the opportunity to participate in multiple camping trips, hikes, skills events, and troop-sponsored events such as a Winter Klondike throughout the year.

A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.  The troop aims to prepare members to make ethical and moral choices by instilling the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law, the foundations of Scouting.

Participation and rank advancement is self-paced however all Scouts are expected to work continually on advancement with the hopes of achieving Eagle Scout. Merit badge completion outside of those required for Eagle Scout is encouraged. The Scouting journey is unique to each Scout therefore troop leadership can work with each Scout to ensure they get the most out of their Scouting experience.

The troop welcomes any youth looking to join, no prior Scouting experience is necessary. Even if you were previously a Scout and dropped out of a troop or did not join a troop following Cub Scouts, we’ve love for you to drop back in!

For more information about Troop 12 or to get information on an upcoming troop event, please email [email protected].

T. Dawson Brown Gate. Camp Yawgoog summer camp entrance in Rhode Island (yearly big summer camp location for the Troop). Courtesy photo

Troop 12’s Sign at Camp Three Point, Santa Fe Campsite. Courtesy photo

Troop 12 uniform identification. Courtesy photo

Scoutmaster Will Mackey addressing scouts. Courtesy photo

Dutch oven cooking at camp. Courtesy photo

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