West Hartford Will Allow Posting of ‘Lost Pet’ Signs
Audio By Carbonatix
The Town of West Hartford will no longer apply the sign ordinance to 'Lost Pet' signs like these. Photo courtesy of Susie Bennett
Some West Hartford residents received a letter Wednesday from a Public Works compliance officer indicating that signs regarding a lost pet were in violation of an ordinance.

The Town of West Hartford will no longer apply the sign ordinance to ‘Lost Pet’ signs like these. Photo courtesy of Susie Bennett
By Ronni Newton
Letters were given to multiple residents on Dec. 14, indicating that the “Lost Cat” signs they had posted on their property were in violation of a zoning ordinance and would need to be removed, but West Hartford Corporation Counsel Patrick Alair said Thursday that the signs can stay up.
Residents took to the”Neighbors and Friends in West Hartford” Facebook page on Wednesday because they were upset about the nature of the letter, which cited zoning ordinance 177-33E (1-12), and they also questioned whether or not the letter was legitimate because it was not on official town letterhead and contained several spelling errors.
“We are not going to be applying the sign ordinance to lost pets,” Alair said Thursday.
Director of Public Works John Phillips said that the letters were hand-delivered to residents or placed inside the door by a zoning compliance officer who works in the department and is tasked with enforcing multiple ordinances that are within the purview of Public Works. Applicable ordinances include timely removal of trash barrels, removal of graffiti, blight, and signs.
Wednesday’s letter referred to the bright green signs regarding a search for “Izzy,” a fluffy orange cat whose picture also appears on the signs.
Izzy’s owner, Susie Bennett, said that her cat went missing on Sept. 25. Izzy got loose while Bennett was leash training her in the MDC reservoir.
Bennet said that she had handed out 16 of the signs to West Hartford residents who offered to help her in the search her beloved pet. An earlier set of signs had been removed from telephone poles and discarded, she said.
Phillips said that he understands that pet issues are very sensitive. “I feel bad, I really do,” he said. The reason for the letter was not about the cat but rather the department’s enforcement of the ordinance. The town only allows signs that are specified in the ordinance (like “for sale” signs and signs posted by contractors who are working on a residence), and signs for lost pets are not addressed which is why the letter was sent out. Phillips said that the compliance officer had used his discretion and allowed the signs to stay up for several months before delivering the letter.
Phillips had not reviewed the letter before it was sent out, and apologized for the lack of formality and the spelling errors. A formal letter citing the ordinance has now been prepared on letterhead, and will be given to residents whose signs are in violation.
As for the signs looking for Izzy and any other lost pets – those can remain.
“I am so happy to hear about West Hartford’s decision!” Bennett said in an email. “West Hartford is a town full of pet owners and animal lovers, and it seems to me that this decision is a solid reflection of the town’s values. I am so glad that Izzy’s posters can remain. It’s a huge relief!”
Phillips said he does hope that residents will take the signs down once a pet has been found.
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