Westminster Presbyterian Church Collects ‘Bucks for Boxers’ to Aid Homeless

Published On: May 23, 2017Categories: Lifestyle, Reader Contributed

Westminster Presbyterian Church in West Hartford teamed up with Church Army USA to distribute underwear and hygiene kits in Hartford.


On Sunday, May 21, Westminster Presbyterian Church teamed up with Church Army USA to distribute underwear and hygiene kits to Hartford’s homeless, supported by funds collected during Westminster’s Bucks for Boxers campaign.

Members and visitors of the church gathered for their monthly Sunday morning LIFT (Living in Faith Together) worship service to hear from Gary and Ricky (last names withheld), formerly homeless residents of Hartford who now serve as representatives from the Faces of Homelessness Speaker’s Bureau. LIFT services include a break in the worship service during which congregants work together on specific projects tied to Westminster’s mission of serving the community.

“LIFT services are an opportunity for our three year olds, 93 year olds, and everyone in between to work together on meaningful projects. We have been inspired by Church Army USA’s mission to serve Hartford’s homeless population, so with all hands on deck this Sunday, our members packaged hundreds of personal hygiene items like shampoo and deodorant, along with sandwiches, and snacks — all items in high demand at shelters — for distribution to our homeless neighbors in Hartford,” explained Karen Hammond, Director of Faith Formation.

Following the service, members caravanned into Hartford to set up distribution stations for all of the donated supplies and the 300 pairs of underwear Westminster purchased with funds raised from their Bucks for Boxers campaign.

Church Army USA’s Hartford Director Bryan Bywater organizes distributions of underwear to homeless in Hartford several times each month, and was thrilled to have Westminster Presbyterian Church’s support in this endeavor.

“To give Gary and Ricky a voice to share their story, and to have the energy of young and old working together to serve the homeless community, was truly amazing. We’re grateful that Westminster is helping us amplify our message and that they supplied the many donated items to do this important work. By meeting homeless men and women face to face, asking for their names, and giving them a choice as to which items they want, we’re giving them some of their dignity back,” Bywater explained. “That’s a major focus of our mission. We are more concerned with how we give than what we give.”

One of Westminster’s youngest members, Abby Jarrett, age 6, begged to accompany her mom to distribute the items after she heard Gary and Ricky speak.

“She was touched by their stories and really wanted to help. How could I say no?” explained Abby’s mother, Ann Jarrett. Mother and daughter joined the dozen additional volunteers in distributing the items and meeting the grateful homeless community they were serving. “It was really beautiful to see my daughter engaged in this way,” Jarrett continued. “She will probably never forget this experience.”

Westminster Presbyterian Church resumes its monthly LIFT worship services in September. More information about their weekly worship services and other missions may be found at www.westpresby.org. More information about Church Army may be found at www.churcharmyusa.org.

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Westminster Presbyterian Church and Church Army USA teamed up to distribute underwear and hygiene kits to homeless residents in Hartford. Submitted photo

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