Denise Hall Says She Will Not Seek Reelection to West Hartford Town Council
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Denise Berard Hall. ( file photo)
Minority Leader Denise Berard Hall, who has served four terms, will retire from the West Hartford Town Council this fall.
Denise Berard Hall announced Wednesday that she will not be seeking reelection for a fifth term on the West Hartford Town Council.
Hall was first elected in November 2009 and has served as the minority leader for her eight years in office. She previously volunteered on the town’s Investment Advisory Committee, Risk Management Advisory Board, and as Treasurer of the West Hartford Veterans Memorial Committee.
“I very much enjoy the work of being a town councilor, and I believe that my background in municipal finance, banking, and the securities industry has brought a helpful perspective to the town. The town’s biggest challenges are financial, and understanding the complexities of our pension and health care liabilities, the budgeting process, and the impact of municipal debt issuance is essential in order to make sound financial decisions” said Hall.
Hall has focused on the need for sustainable benefit packages, including defined contribution plans, health savings accounts, and higher employee contributions to the plans during her time in office.
“I am encouraged that many of our new contracts have incorporated changes that will reduce future town liabilities. I know that our Republican councilors will continue to focus on these issues as well as spending reductions to reverse the trajectory of never-ending tax increases,” she said.
Chris Barnes, Hall’s Town Council colleague for the last four years, added, “Denise has been a great leader for the Republican caucus and will be missed. She has led by example on the campaign trail, at the Council table, and helping town residents. We have big shoes to fill.”
“It has been an honor serving West Hartford residents the past eight years, and I wish the future Council and the new town manager all the best as they face the challenges ahead. Personally, I am looking forward to spending more time with my family. I have gained six grandchildren during my time in office and am very lucky to have them nearby. I appreciate all the support from friends, family, residents and most especially from my husband, Tom, who has made it easier for me to juggle the demands of work, family and the Council.”
Hall is a senior vice president at Webster Bank and has more than 30 years of experience in the securities and banking industries. She is a 1978 graduate of Conard High School, has a B.A. from the University of Connecticut, and an M.B.A. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. In addition to the Council, she serves on the Fellowship Housing Board, and the Institute for Women’s Leadership at Nichols College. She is a past President of the Board of Trustees of Mercy Housing and Shelter Corporation and chaired the Executive, Finance and Gala committees.
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