Dr. Carl Salsedo to Speak at West Hartford Public Library

Published On: May 15, 2019Categories: Home & Garden, Lifestyle, Reader Contributed

Doctor Salsedo’s presentation will examine Connecticut’s native trees in the context of West Hartford’s local landscape.


Doctor Carl Salsedo, a UConn Extension educator in the field of Sustainable and Environmental Horticulture, will be giving a presentation at the West Hartford Public Library on trees native to Connecticut. The presentation is part of the Trees of West Hartford educational series, and its focus will be the role of Connecticut’s native trees in West Hartford’s landscapes.

Doctor Salsedo has been working with the UConn Extension program since 1975. Over that time period, he’s worked positions in a nursery, green house, garden center, and green industry to complement cameos on the Master Gardner television program. Salsedo was also featured on a Connecticut Public Television series entitled “Gardening with Nature,” which promoted sustainable gardening practices in a suburban setting.

Doctor Salsedo will share which varieties of Connecticut’s native trees may work environmentally and aesthetically in local surroundings. In addition, he’ll speak to the evolution of these trees over thousands of years, a process which has made many suitable and sustainable choices for suburban landscaping.

The event will be held on Thursday, May 30, at 7 p.m. at the West Hartford Public Library on 20 South Main St. The presentation is free, and reservations can be made by calling 860-561-6990 or by visiting http://bit.ly/treeprograms.

There is ample library parking in the nearby Isham Garage. Please bypass the garage payment kiosks and come directly to the lecture in the Library Meeting Room, 20 South Main Street, where you may validate your parking with your license plate number.

This program is made possible by generous funding from the Thomas F. Kilfoil Memorial Bequest.

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