Dr. Allie Mendelson Presents the Keto Diet in West Hartford

Published On: May 31, 2019Categories: Business, Food, Health, Park Road

Dr. Allie Mendelson is leading a free workshop at Essential Health on June 15.

By Joy Taylor

Dr. Allie Mendelson. Submitted photo

The Ketogenic (Keto) diet has been one of the top diets, or eating plans, since becoming mainstream in 2017. It’s a challenge to differentiate the “fad” diets, from the plans that really work, and since everybody is different, being open-minded is important, and that is what motivated Dr. Allison Mendelson, D.C. to lead this free, informational workshop on June 15, in her office at Essential Health, 74 Park Road, West Hartford.

The Keto diet seems to go against conventional wisdom because part of the plan includes high-fat foods like cheese, grass-fed meats and avocados. It’s important to get adequate-protein and a low amount of carbohydrates while on Keto. The diet can be an effective weight loss plan for many, and may even help those with epilepsy or diabetes.

The workshop is free, but space is limited, so registration is required by clicking here. Street parking is available, as well as in the adjacent Dunkin’ Donuts lot.

Thinking about a “diet” in the heart of cookout season is tough, but when this way of eating doesn’t deprive you of good food, it gives you healthy alternatives. In other words, diet is not a bad word!

Mendelson – the chiropractor known as Dr. Allie by her patients and fans of her local radio show – has adopted the Keto lifestyle successfully and faithfully herself.

“I know this can sound like a ‘fad’ diet or nonsense but when you think of early man, they were eating this way and not suffering from ‘burn out’ because while following this plan, your body is trained to burn fat rather than sugar as an energy source,” says Dr. Allie. “Since starting the Keto diet two years ago, I’ve noticed my mind is clear, my energy level is great and when I’m in ketosis, I never have the ups and downs of feeling famished or stuffed, and there is no ‘sugar high’ or low because there is no sugar allowed.”

One key component of the Keto way of eating is to avoid all sugar including brown sugar, honey, maple syrup, agave, coconut sugar, but there are plenty of non-sugar alternatives, that are healthier.

“Sugar is more addicting than cocaine, so I understand that this is the hardest thing to change when going Keto,” commented Dr. Allie who will share some of her favorite ideas for healthy and sugar-free treats at the June workshop.

Dr. Allie is a fan of not feeling deprived when on a diet, so she and her husband David stock their co-located health food store with lots of Keto-friendly food items such as a freezer full of grass-fed and organically-raised meats, plus keto brownies, bread, chocolate and an ice cream that is actually allowed on this diet.

“I understand that some people will be skeptical, but for me and many of my patients, it can be life-changing,” says Dr. Allie. Her practice was built on providing top notch chiropractic care and has helped change mindsets out of the conventional-only way of treating disease.

The workshop will cover the benefits of adopting the Keto diet for healing and/or losing weight. Dr. Allie will review the list of foods to eat, and what to avoid. Participants in the workshop will be encouraged to ask questions and share experiences.

Wondering why the “grass-fed” thing such an important part of a healthy (meat-eating) diet? Dave Mendelson explains, “Animals that eat grass produce meat with higher amounts of omega-3 fats, and antioxidants than meat from grain-fed animals. Beef cattle are made to eat and digest grass, so if they are healthier, we are healthier.”

Space is limited, please register here.

Rebel Creamery brand ice cream is a low carb, no sugar ice cream available at Essential Health, West Hartford. Photo credit: Joy Taylor

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