Free Trees are Available on Earth Day from West Hartford Tree Project
The West Hartford Tree Project is taking orders now for trees that will be available for pick up on Earth Day, which is April 22.
By Ronni Newton
The West Hartford Tree Project will be giving away trees again this spring, and residents are able to order them in advance for pick up on Earth Day, April 22, 2023.
“Thanks to an outpouring of support, the Tree Project far exceeded their fundraising goals, and received a match by a Sustainable CT grant,” Tree Project member Tom Martin said.
The campaign’s original goal of $2,000 was increased to $3,000, and even that goal was greatly surpassed, with nearly $4,000 raised from 63 patrons, which was then matched by Sustainable CT.
The primary goal of the West Hartford Tree Project is “to protect and preserve the West Hartford tree canopy which has been severely battered in recent years by drought, ice, wind, disease, old age, invasive pests, and cutting,” said Ted Goerner, who along with his wife, Carolyn, launched the West Hartford Tree Project several years ago. Both are West Hartford Public Schools science teachers, and turned their passion about the important role of trees in the environment into action. They noted that the town’s canopy trees have been the victim of recent major storms – most visibly the Halloween storm in 2011 – as well as successive years of drought, and disease like Dutch Elm disease.
This year’s campaign included a donation mature potted trees, but most of those have already been claimed. There is still a long list of native trees available as barefoot seedlings (generally 6-12 inches tall), including oaks, maples, sycamore, tupelo, and more.
“By planting trees, West Hartford residents are helping our town and environment,” Martin said.
Trees will be available for pick up on Saturday, April 22, from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m., at 134 Woodrow Street (just off Boulevard, west of South Main Street). Click here to order your tree in advance.
In addition, the West Hartford Tree Project is co-hosting a free “Tree Planting Workshop” at Westmoor Park on April 1, from noon until 2 p.m. Please register here for the workshop. The workshop is hosted by the North Central Conservation District, the West Hartford Tree Project, and Westmoor Park.
For more information about the West Hartford Tree Project, visit their Facebook page.
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