Hall High Senior Has Raised More Than $70,000 for Diabetes

Published On: October 15, 2014Categories: Features, Health, People

Jack Wright. Submitted photo.

Jack Wright, a senior at West Hartford’s Hall High School, will captain ‘The Jack Pack’ in the Walk to Cure Diabetes on Sunday, Oct. 19, at Six Flags.

By Ronni Newton

The Jack Pack at the 2013 Walk to Cure Diabetes. Submitted photo.

The Jack Pack at the 2013 Walk to Cure Diabetes. Submitted photo.

Jack Wright received a life-changing diagnosis just about six years ago. He was told that he has Type 1 diabetes.

Since then, the Hall High School senior has done everything he can to maintain a normal lifestyle, and has also helped raise more than $70,000 for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund (JDRF) by captaining a team in the Walk to Cure Diabetes and through helping run the “Rallye for a Cure” event each spring.

“Jack didn’t do anything to bring on the disease. Sometimes people ask whether he drank too much juice as a baby or ate too much candy at Halloween, but Type 1 diabetes can happen to anyone at any time, and there is no way to prevent its onset,” said Jack’s mom, Linda Wright.

To manage the disease, Jack uses an insulin pump to automatically regulate the amount of insulin in his bloodstream. Even though the insulin is injected automatically, Jack still needs to adjust the rates depending on what he eats and his activity levels, and he also has to change the pump site ever two days, said Linda. If he’s overly stressed, or sick, the amount of insulin needed is also affected.

Jack Wright (far right) and the Hall A Cafella's sing the National Anthem at the 2013 Walk. Submitted photo.

Jack Wright (far right) and the Hall A Cafella’s sing the National Anthem at the 2013 Walk. Submitted photo.

Jack will once again captain “The Jack Pack” at the Walk to Cure Diabetes, and to date has raised $16,449 of his $18,000 goal and leads all of the fundraising teams participating in the Walk. There are more than 40 members of The Jack Pack, including many from Hall High School, as well as family and other friends. Last year Hall’s a capella group, A Cafella, sang the National Anthem at the opening of the Walk, and this year the entire Hall Chorale – of which Jack is a member – will sing at the opening.

There are benefits to participating in the Walk, other than the satisfaction of raising funds to combat a devastating disease. Any walker who raises or donates $50 or more to JDRF will receive an admission pack allowing them to spend the rest of the day and/or evening in the park, where Frightfest is currently a very popular attraction.

Natalie Wright (Jack's sister) with some friends and a Six Flags character at the 2013 Walk to Cure DIabetes. Submitted photo.

Natalie Wright (Jack’s sister) with some friends and a Six Flags character at the 2013 Walk to Cure DIabetes. Submitted photo.

In the spring, Jack will once again help run the “Rallye for a Cure.” This will be the third year for the event, which according to Linda Wright “invites vintage classic and sports cars to participate in a game-tour-adventure” throughout the area. It’s sponsored by Jaguar Hartford.

Jack is a youth ambassador with JDRF, and when he is not volunteering and raising money for that organization, Jack plays on Hall’s tennis team, is president of the Environmental Club, and sings with the Choraliers. He also volunteers for other community organizations, as a Buddy with TOPSoccer and for Autism Families CONNECTicut. He is also an intern with Energy Efficiencies Solutions which develops energy conscious programming for youths.

If you are interested in participating in the Walk or donating to The Jack Pack, click here to visit his fundraising page.

One Comment

  1. […] Founders Linda and Bill Wright started this annual road rally to support their son, Jack Wright, who was diag…. […]

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