Hawk Update: ‘Baby Delamar’ Has Nearly Outgrown Nest

Published On: June 20, 2015Categories: Business

An updated look as the baby red-tailed hawk that was hatched in a nest on the site of what will be the Delamar West Harford Hotel grows larger and more active.

By Ronni Newton, Video by Mike Berzenski

Baby “Delamar” is growing up fast, and looks to have nearly outgrown his/her nest in the long pine tree left on the construction site of what will be the Delamar West Hartford Hotel, according to fans who have been watching, photographing, and filming ever since the nest was discovered in March.

West Hartford resident Mona Cavallero and East Hampton resident Mike Berzenski posted an updated video of the baby red-tailed hawk on YouTube which was filmed on Wednesday, June 17. The mother hawk can also be seen, perched on a nearby building keeping watch over the area.

“He/she is growing up fast and well. He/she is alert, aware of his/her surroundings and very active in the nest – almost to the point of outgrowing it,” Cavallero said in an email.

Cavallero said that she anticipates the first fledging – the hawk flying out of the nest – to happen during the first or second week of July.

She has also been in conversation with West Hartford Police Officer Brian Wallace, who said to contact police and/or Animal Control if anyone sees that the hawk flies into an unsafe place or gets injured. Cavallero has already been in touch with rehabilitation specialists who can help if needed.

While not endangered, red-tailed hawks are predatory birds that are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. The Town of West Hartford and developers of the Delamar West Hartford Hotel have taken measures to ensure the hawk’s safety.

The tree with the hawk’s nest has been separated from the remaining construction site with fencing, and will not be cut down until the baby hawk has fledged.

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