Letter: Appreciation for Town of West Hartford During Process of Submitting Development Application

Published On: September 3, 2024Categories: Government, Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor:

I would like to take a moment to express my thanks to the Town of West Hartford for the thoroughness of the process that led to the approval of our plans for the Residences at Heritage Park on 1700 Asylum Avenue, which is now moving forward with our apartment development partner, Garden Homes.

Each step of the rigorous review helped improve our designs, minimize the impacts to site wetlands and ensure that the project conforms with the town Plan of Conservation and Development and fits the size and scale of the surrounding neighborhood.

I would also like to thank the neighbors who we heard from during this process from the moment we began our public engagement, as well as those who supported our plans from the very start, particularly project consultant Nick Alletto, as well as Jorge Jimenez and Marc Alderucci, who were all integral to the project.

Our team looks forward to continuing the permitting process for the parcel at 1800 Asylum Avenue to bring forward this small, vibrant walkable village for this neighborhood and the people of West Hartford.

Domenic Carpionato, West Hartford 1 LLC

One Comment

  1. Kevin Boudreau September 3, 2024 at 11:27 PM - Reply

    I submitted a letter to the editor — about 2 weeks ago — questioning all of this development in town. It never got posted.

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