Letter to the Editor: In Support of Chris Barnes

Published On: November 6, 2016Categories: Elections, Government, Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor:

I write in support of Chris Barnes, the Republican nominee in the 19th House District race. Having known Chris as a colleague and friend for the past twelve years, I can say without reservation that he exemplifies the qualities we need in our next representative to fill that seat.

Chris has established deep roots in our community and is committed to being part of the solution to the myriad issues confronting us. For as long as I have known Chris and his family, they have generously volunteered their time in support of countless charitable events, school programs and church activities. Indeed, those who know Chris and his family will confirm that they represent the best of what West Hartford has to offer. Chris’s decision to enter local politics a few years ago was merely an extension of his many years of prior community service.

As a successful litigator and member of the West Hartford Town Council, Chris has gained significant experience analyzing complex issues, evaluating the relative merits of competing proposals, developing a well-reasoned basis for choosing a particular course of action as the best under the circumstances, and communicating his position persuasively to others. He understands that tenacious advocacy and willingness to consider opposing viewpoints are not mutually exclusive qualities, and that the best solution usually results from pragmatic compromise rather than continuous conflict.

This is not to suggest that Chris would ever compromise his values or core beliefs. To the contrary, his honor and integrity are beyond question. Chris believes that everything worth doing is worth doing right, and that when it comes to government policy, “right” means fair to all rather than excessively favorable to only some. He believes, as I do, that our state government has lost sight of this ideal, that we have passed the point of diminishing returns with respect to the ever-increasing cost of living and doing business in Connecticut, and that the negative consequences will only worsen if we do not correct our current course. I will vote for Chris Barnes on November 8th because I know he will be a strong advocate for fair reform, and respectfully urge you to consider doing the same.

Jacob Hathorn
West Hartford

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