Letter: Ethan Goldman is a Common Sense Candidate

Published On: October 20, 2023Categories: Elections, Government, Letters to the Editor, Politics, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor:

Ethan Goldman is a collaborative, common sense guy who has earned our vote for re-election to the Board of Ed.

His main focus is to bring West Hartford academics back to its heyday. As a father of four, he knows that every child must have the opportunity to take advantage of a strong education. And as an accountant he feels certain the loss of the Covid funds can be absorbed to mitigate future tax increases without hurting critical school programs.

Ethan is an independent thinker and has brought these common sense ideas to the board over the past two years:

  • establish a board finance committee task force to work with the school finance department on expense problems which effect academic programs.
  • establish a guideline for selecting day-off-from-school holidays, instead of making these decisions on a case by case basis
  • invite Native American chief to address the board about use of Native names
  • He endorsed the establishment of a curriculum committee to create regular oversight by board members and feedback from parents.

Priorities for 2023-2024:

  • Improved Academic achievement
  • Establish Board Finance Committee task force
  • Establish Board Curriculum Committee

The common theme is obvious and unique: WORKING TOGETHER with board members, parents and community to serve our children best.

Vote for Ethan Goldman on November 7.

Ellen Nichols
West Hartford

One Comment

  1. Liz Gillette October 21, 2023 at 1:58 PM - Reply

    Mr. Goldman’s experience with business and finance are truly needed as oversight on The Board of Ed and the Administration. We have all seen good ideas turn sour because of mismanagement, lack of accountability and a failure to assess success critically. Many well-intentioned policies become counterproductive when the law of unintended consequences are ignored and proponents wear single focused blinders. Inefficiency or overspending saps finite resources that are needed in other areas. We want results not just “good ideas” for our children and grandchildren. Ethan knows how to do that.

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