Letter: Kate Farrar Is Best Choice for the 20th District
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To the Editor:
Kate Farrar has lived her life supporting and advocating for her community, the state and nation. Her performance as a State Representative has been stellar.
She has personally reached out to community members to listen to their concerns. She has advocated for funding for schools, a new senior center, medical care during the pandemic, and housing to name a few. She is very concerned and advocates for a woman’s right to choose and proper health care as she believes that women are competent to make decisions about their own bodies.
She has committed herself to make sure constituents’ needs are met.
She will continue to advocate with dedication to fulfill the needs of the new 20th District that now includes the western side of Newington.
She has established a track record of standing by her constituents and unlike her opponent Ms. Yopp, she does not need to promote falsehoods or try to misrepresent any police chief.
Vote for the best choice, Kate Farrar, Democrat, Row A on Nov. 8, 2022.
Rosemarie Tate
West Hartford