Letter: Let’s Look at Transportation and Infrastructure Town-Wide

Published On: August 6, 2021Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor:

A Connecticut Party of West Hartford (ACTP) was created to be a voice for all of West Hartford’s residents, including the silent majority who saw little connection to our town’s current representation. One of ACTP’s goal is to implement innovative quality of life solutions for all.

In response to the recent vehicle and bicycle incidents in our town, ACTP’s key initiatives include providing a vision on how to implement safe transportation opportunities for vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians, while allowing ease of access through town.

Based on research utilizing transportation advocates such as Smart Growth America as well as conversations with various town planners, we believe the implementation of Rotaries, Circles, or Round-Bouts in key areas of West Hartford will expedite the free flow of traffic, at a reduced and safer rate of speed. An example of these traffic calming initiatives can be found in Glastonbury.  This type of measures would ease congestion, reduce speeding and lower the number of traffic accidents, while increasing bicycle and pedestrian right of ways. Furthermore, they will eliminate the opportunity for panhandlers which puts themselves and others at risk of accidents.

We plan to fund this project by leveraging the Federal Infrastructure bill currently being negotiated in Washington, while simultaneously reviewing infrastructure funding and budgets to prioritize this initiative to benefit our town.

Mark Merritt
Candidate for Town Council

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