Letter: McGinnis Has Demonstrated Her Commitment To The Town Council

Published On: November 3, 2023Categories: Elections, Government, Letters to the Editor, Opinion, Politics, Reader Contributed

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Dear Editor:

I am writing in support of the candidacy of Tiffani McGinnis, who replaced me on the West Hartford Town Council earlier this year when I resigned my seat in order to take on the role of town clerk.

Since her appointment, Tiffani has demonstrated her commitment to being a town councilor. She is well prepared for council meetings, attends council subcommittee meetings and can be seen at many town-wide community events.

When Tiffani speaks, she does so in a positive way. She shares the values and priorities that I did when I served on the town council such as being a strong advocate for our public safety departments, an ardent supporter of our excellent public school system and a passionate town official who works tirelessly to insure that West Hartford remains the best place to live, to work, and to raise a family. And she balances all of these priorities in a fiscally prudent manner.

I am glad that my replacement takes the role of being a town councilor seriously and is willing to do the work to be an effective member of the town council.

And lastly, I believe that it is very important for the entire West Hartford community to know that Tiffani cares about our community and its members. Immediately after the brutal and horrific evil that took place on October 7, Tiffani reached out to me. She wanted to know how my family and I were doing. While we may not share the same religious beliefs, Tiffani wanted me to know that she condemned the atrocities that occurred and that she shared my heartbreak. Being silent was not an option for her. Her willingness to stand with me as well as so many in our community speaks volumes to her character. I am so grateful that my replacement on the Town Council is serving for all the right reasons with values that will enhance the quality of life for all West Hartford residents.

On Nov. 7, please join me in supporting Tiffani McGinnis for West Hartford Town Council.

Leon S. Davidoff

Former West Hartford Town Councilor (2007-2023)

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