Letter: Proposed Changes to the Public Speech Policy

Published On: May 15, 2023Categories: Government, Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed, Schools

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Dear Board of Education and to the Editor,

I am writing to express my concern and disappointment after hearing that the Board of Education is proposing yet another change in less than a year to the public speech policy.

At a time when the overall consensus in our country is for more input and transparency into what’s being taught to our children, this proposal is heading in the wrong direction.

Particularly, the West Hartford Board of Education, who prides itself on being progressive, is now taking a regressive stance – proposing to minimize our community’s input.

It’s a very bad look for West Hartford as other Boards of Education in this state and nationally are realizing that parents are demanding for and have the right to be more involved not less.

I don’t believe any Board or Committee has the clairvoyance to always arrive on the right decision without the broader engagement from the community it serves.

Furthermore, when you decided to run and later elected to serve on the BOE, I have to believe you expected to hear many differing opinions and would be tasked to with synthesizing the input into sound policy. Again, your proposal contradicts what lies at the heart of your public duty.

I implore the Board back away from this proposal and pursue a more engaging policy that I believe this town aspires to.

I appreciate the opportunity to address this body and its consideration.

Tony Landino
West Hartford

One Comment

  1. marc smith May 16, 2023 at 8:24 AM - Reply

    Progressives support free speech unless it goes against their beliefs. Yet another way to shut down dissent.

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