Letter: Stephanie Thomas is the Best Choice This November
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Dear Editor,
I am writing to express my wholehearted support of Representative Stephanie Thomas’ candidacy for Connecticut Secretary of the State. She has steadily and consistently championed expanded access to fair voting for all Connecticut voters. I believe she has the skills and experience to find 21st-century solutions that will bring Connecticut into alignment with the vast majority of states that already permit early voting.
To me, voting is a right and responsibility. Voters deserve flexibility in exercising this right and fulfilling this responsibility. The argument that expanding voting access inevitably invites voting fraud is not fact-based. Our great state can certainly expand access and maintain our excellent track record of voting integrity.
Under Stephanie Thomas’ leadership, I am confident our state will have free and fair elections using the power of data, open communication channels with all stakeholders, including town clerks and voters, and maintaining transparency throughout.
In the State Legislature and on the campaign trail, she has demonstrated that she has the qualities and integrity to make an excellent Secretary of the State.
Peter Andrews
West Hartford