Letter: Support A Connecticut Party of West Hartford

Published On: October 20, 2021Categories: Elections, Government, Letters to the Editor, Politics, Reader Contributed

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Dear Editor,

As a young person living in West Hartford, I look for leaders that share my love for my hometown. I have witnessed that A Connecticut Party is uniquely concerned with the important issues all West Hartford residents can agree on: the safety, economic health, and long-term prosperity of West Hartford for all of its residents. They will focus on the needs of the town above politicking, not the petty bickering we hear from the other parties. All West Hartford residents want highly rated public schools, a safe place to work and play, town budgets and taxes kept in check, and a better quality of life for all our families. With a polarized political landscape on the state and national level, A Connecticut Party runs a refreshing platform that hopes to lift up all West Hartford residents with common-interest local policies.

Let’s put the noise behind us. A Connecticut Party wants to focus on what we all agree on, and reach across to both sides of the aisle, to get things done for the good of West Hartford. That is why I will vote Row D on November 2nd, for my future in the town and those of my neighbors.

Therefore to my fellow residents I implore all to vote for Lee A. Gold, Mark A. Merritt, Roni Carol Rodman, and Richard C. Bush. For Local Solutions to Local Issues.

Vote Together Today for a Better Tomorrow!


Andrew Colliton
West Hartford

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