Letter: Support for Deb Polun for Town Council

Published On: November 5, 2023Categories: Elections, Government, Letters to the Editor, Politics, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor:

We are writing in support of Deb Polun for West Hartford Town Council.

We have been friends with Deb and her husband Ian for about 15 years, as we are neighbors and met through the Aiken school community. Over this time, we have seen firsthand Deb’s unique commitment to public service – including serving as president of her synagogue for several years, serving on the school PTO and other community boards, and providing valuable voter education efforts before she decided to run for office herself.

Since she has been in public office (on the Board of Education from 2017-2022 and for the past year on Town Council), Deb has kept us and other friends informed of events, proposals, and meetings in the schools and town that might impact us. She is a listener who always lends an ear, is open minded, hears all sides, and is kind, trustworthy, and a dedicated worker. She is focused on solving problems, thinking proactively, and is committed to helping create a better future for us, all of our children, and the generations ahead.

Deb does the work and always “shows up.” She is always prepared, asks good questions, researches issues, attends town events, showing up over and over again for us and for West Hartford. We wholeheartedly endorse Deb, and hope you will support her on Tuesday as well!

Mina and Barry Nemirow
West Hartford

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