Letter: Support for Early Voting Ballot Referendum
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Dear West Hartford Neighbors:
When you go to the polls Nov. 8, be sure to vote to give Connecticut citizens the opportunity available in 46 other states – to take advantage of early voting. The Connecticut legislature agreed in a bipartisan vote in 2021 to put the Early Voting Referendum on our upcoming ballot. The ballot question will ask you: “Shall the Constitution of the State be amended to permit the General Assembly to provide for early voting?”
The good news is that early in-person voting is a secure way to ensure that people whose work, health, or family schedules make restricted one-day voting difficult or impossible will now be able to exercise this critical right. This flexibility is especially crucial for those who work multiple jobs, long shifts, caregivers, parents of young children, and seniors. Please support them and vote “yes” on Tuesday, Nov. 8 for the freedom to vote early.
Elizabeth (Elly) Vozzola
West Hartford