Letter: Support for Expansion of Paid Sick Days

Published On: April 22, 2024Categories: Government, Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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Dear Editor,

I write to express my support for the expansion of paid sick days in Connecticut – a change that respects our workers and promotes a healthier community. Too often, employees are faced with an impossible choice: go to work sick or lose out on much-needed income. This is not just a public health risk; it’s a matter of basic dignity.

Providing more paid sick days helps ensure that no one has to jeopardize their health or financial stability just to keep their job. This policy is about respecting the well-being of our workers and recognizing their contributions to our economy. When workers aren’t forced to push themselves while ill, they can return to work healthier and more productive, which benefits everyone.

This change would particularly help those who care for children or family members, offering them the flexibility to manage health crises without fear of repercussion. It’s a straightforward measure that can significantly improve the lives of many people.

Let’s stand by our workforce by supporting the expansion of paid sick days. It’s a simple step that shows we value the hard work and health of all our citizens.

Win Heimer
West Hartford

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