Letter: Support for Maritza Bond for Secretary of the State

Published On: August 6, 2022Categories: Government, Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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Dear Editor,

This Tuesday, Aug. 9, I am voting Maritza Bond for Secretary of the State on Row B in the Democratic Primary.

Maritza Bond is the first Hispanic public health director in Connecticut, having served both our largest city – Bridgeport and currently New Haven during the COVID pandemic.

If elected, Bond will be the first-ever Hispanic constitutional officer in our state’s history. The Hispanic community is a large and growing one in our town and Connecticut and should be represented on the Democratic Party’s slate of constitutional nominees.

I first saw Maritza at a Secretary of the State candidate forum several months ago and I was very impressed by her presentation. Bond won the endorsement of the CT AFL-CIO by gaining 2/3rds of the delegates’ approval despite not receiving the party’s selection. She did this the good old fashion way – meeting and talking to all the union members.

Martiza is the first one in her family to go to college and she chose to become a dedicated public health professional. Maritza Bond will be an excellent Secretary of the State and I urge my fellow Democrats to vote for her.

David McCluskey
West Hartford
David McClusky is a former 12-year State Representative for West Hartford

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