Letter: Support for Mark Merritt

Published On: October 29, 2021Categories: Elections, Government, Politics

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To the Editor:

As West Hartford residents prepare to go to the polls and vote next Tuesday, November 2, I would encourage everyone to vote for Mark Merritt.

Mark and his fellow Connecticut Party candidates are doing something extraordinary right here in our Town. They are focused on sound, balanced, and honest public policy for West Hartford, not cynical, juvenile politics. Mark Merritt is all about encouraging more people to come together into the public forum and help lead an open and civil discussion on improving the quality of life here in West Hartford. From how to improve LaSalle Road in our Center, to developing the best plan for the UConn property, to focusing on the education and safety of all of our students, Mark has his attention on the right priorities.

We would be very fortunate to have Mark serve. Please give Mark Merritt your consideration and your vote on Tuesday.

Burke Doar
West Hartford Resident and former Town Council Member

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