Letter: Support for Sean Scanlon

Published On: October 29, 2022Categories: Elections, Government, Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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Dear Kind Editor,

The State Comptroller has been a little-known office but has major responsibilities. Some of those responsibilities include accounting, financial reports, administering employee and retiree benefits, and is described as the state’s “financial guardian.” As you can see, it is a position that requires qualities of integrity and honesty. Sean Scanlon has these two qualities.

The position requires strong relationships with other state offices, with members of the General Assembly and with state leadership. Sean Scanlon has those strong relationships and will be able to hit the ground running on day one.

Sean has a proven record of working well with others. He has led the charge with expanding healthcare coverage, codifying the Affordable Care Act, and capping insulin costs. As Comptroller, I believe Sean Scanlon will take up where Kevin Lembo left off and by using the state’s spending power, he will protect us and save the state millions of dollars in costs.

Turning to social issues. In my experience, Sean has been a strong ally of the LGBTQ+ community. He does not cherry-pick a few from the community to support and protect but rather, embraces all. This is an important point as I know he will be someone who will act in the best interest of everyone and not just for those who agree with him. Sean Scanlon will fight for all of Connecticut.

Finally, I encourage everyone to check their polling place as it may have changed since you voted in the last General Election at https://portaldir.ct.gov/sots/LookUp.aspx. And when you vote on Nov. 8, please join me in voting for Sean Scanlon for Comptroller and vote for all of Row A.


Barry D Walters
West Hartford

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