Letter: Support West Hartford Democrats

Published On: October 26, 2021Categories: Elections, Government, Letters to the Editor, Politics, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor:

West Hartford is a vibrant, diverse, and welcoming community. Many of us consider it the best place to live in Connecticut. But it didn’t get that way by accident. It took a lot of hard work and strong leadership from our Democratic elected officials.

In less than a week, residents will go to the polls to vote for candidates for Town Council and Board of Education. We believe that the Democrats on Row A represent the best choice for West Hartford now and in the future.

West Hartford Democrats are committed to fiscal responsibility and smart growth. West Hartford’s economy is strong. The town has retained a “AAA” bond rating ─ the highest a municipality can receive from any credit agency. Home values remain high. And West Hartford continues to be a place where people want to start new businesses.

Residents can be confident that along with our schools, public safety (Police, Fire, EMT), and other essential services offered by the Town of West Hartford will continue to be funding priorities for Democrats.

Democrats’ commitment to providing quality, nationally recognized K-12 education is one of the key reasons families choose to live in West Hartford. It’s also why Democrats strongly oppose A Connecticut Party’s plan to close Hall and Conard and build one large high school.

On November 2, we encourage the voters of West Hartford to vote for Row A and support the Democratic team that will protect our schools and keep this fantastic community moving forward.


The West Hartford Democratic Town Committee

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