Letter: Thanks to Andrew Killoran, In Support of Josh Moses

Published On: November 28, 2023Categories: Government, Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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Dear Editor:

It was with surprise and sadness that I read and heard the news of Andrew Killoran’s resignation from his job as Head Professional at Rockledge Golf Course. As frequent visitor to Rockledge and a Men’s Golf Club member for over 30 years, I have enjoyed Andrew’s service, personality and casual friendship. He paid his dues with many years of service under former pro Rich Crowe, and I was among many of Andrew’s supporters for his promotion to the Head Pro job when Rich retired. I am grateful to Andrew for his decades of service and hard work.

One of Andrew’s best moves upon his promotion was the hiring of Assistant Professional Josh Moses. Josh has logged countless hours at Rockledge over the past two years and has made an immediate and positive impact. From my perspective, Josh is smart, professional and capable, and would make an excellent Head Professional for Rockledge.

While I speak only for myself, I have had conversations with many other frequent visitors to “The Rock” and we all agree that we would fully support the promotion of Josh Moses as the new Head Professional. We wish Andrew only good fortune in his future endeavors and are saddened by his departure, but the promotion of Josh Moses would be welcome news, indeed.

Mike Weber
West Hartford

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