Letter to the Editor: Graduation Car Parade Was Wonderful

Published On: June 17, 2020Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor,

My god-daughter, Tanya Nguyen is graduating from Conard High School, and we were a little disappointed that there wouldn’t be an official graduation for the class of 2020.

Then we received announcement of the graduation car parade.

On the day of the car parade, our family went to Sedgwick Middle School field as it was on the parade route. We were amazed to see the number of families and neighbors who came out to support and cheer for the graduates.

The plane carrying the congratulation banner was an awesome touch!

I think the car parade was a wonderful success and it was great for all of us to be able to provide the support and cheers, not just for my lovely god-daughter, Tanya, but for all of the graduates. Also, there is no limit to the number of family and friends who would like to join the celebration.

We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who came up with the car parade idea and to make it happened. It put a smile on everyone’s face and it brought our community together. We do hope that the car parade will be part of future celebrations.

Quynhchau Le

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