Letter to the Editor: Mary Fay for the 18th

Published On: October 26, 2018Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor:

I write to encourage our friends and neighbors in West Hartford’s 18th General Assembly House district to vote for my friend, and colleague on West Hartford’s Town Council, Mary Fay, on November 6th.

When Mary Fay does something, she does it very well. In her professional life, Mary worked in finances as a Financial Services Senior Executive where her financial acumen and talents were recognized by the Hartford Business Journal which named her a “Top Woman in Business.” In public service – whether it is advocating for residents concerned about over-development in their neighborhoods or fighting against West Hartford’s exponential and unsustainable tax increases – Mary stands up for the people she represents even if her position is unpopular with her colleagues. In her personal life, Mary has developed many friendships with people across all different political ideologies and backgrounds because of her warm, friendly, and approachable disposition. Nevertheless, the greatest testament to Mary’s ability to achieve success is her daughter who she is raising with her wife, Mary Smith.

In ordinary times, Mary Fay would be an exceptional candidate. But, as the pages of our local papers (and We-Ha.com) tell us day-in and day-out, these are not ordinary times. Connecticut faces extraordinary financial obstacles moving forward. Prudent financial decisions will be needed if Connecticut is ever going to turn-thing-around. In these times, Mary Fay is not only an exceptional candidate, she is the candidate the state actually needs.


Chris Williams
West Hartford

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