Letter to the Editor: Request to Legislature to Vote against Tolls

Published On: January 31, 2020Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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Dear Representative Exum:

I have been a resident of West Hartford for 18 years and every year we see businesses leave and along with them residents. We also see our children chose not to come back to the state because jobs are leaving and the state is becoming too expensive to live. Taxes increase every year statewide and locally we also pay one of the highest gas taxes in the country which is suppose to go to the roads.  I am asking you to please reconsider your vote on the tolls.

Having tolls just on trucks will push these trucks off the highways and on to our already busy local streets. Truckers will be forced to try and avoid the tolls to save money. This will further destroy our local streets worse then they already are.

I think we should have a state that is business friendly which will attract the best and the brightest talent and so our children will chose to raise a family here in Connecticut and not in another state.

Just remember your vote will dictate where this state is going into the future do we want a business friendly state like Massachusetts or a unfriendly business state like it is now.

Dennis Swanton
West Hartford

Editor’s Note: Dennis Swanton is the chair of the West Hartford Republican Town Committee. He submitted his letter to State Rep. Tammy Exum to be shared as a letter to the editor.


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