Letter to the Editor: Support for Lee Gold

Published On: September 5, 2019Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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Friends and Neighbors,

We are at a crossroads. Over the past 15 years the majority party has increased our budget by $150 million dollars, increased our property taxes by 25%, underfunded pension obligations and reduced town services (less road maintenance, remember leaf pick up, now we have to pay for a “brown” barrel …).

This is why I’m excited to support Lee Gold for Town Council. Lee has built and expanded a successful law practice in Greater Hartford. His pragmatic approach to budgeting, planning and negotiating will help us improve our financial position and enhance the beautiful town within which we live. Lee’s commitment to serve our youth and community at large will be an asset as we plan for the future.

As a compassionate conservative, Lee will help West Hartford navigate the challenges we now face and in the future.

Join me in supporting Lee on Nov. 5.

Mark Merritt
West Hartford

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