Letter to the Editor: Supporting Mary Fay for District 18

Published On: October 1, 2018Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor:

We have a chance to make an impact in our state during this election. Our tax and spend policies for the past 10 plus years have led to the erosion of our state.

We need representatives at the Capitol that has the fiscal acumen to rebuild our state. We need a representative that will advocate for West Hartford. Mary has the business acumen and fiscal discipline to address the critical fiscal challenges facing our state and town.

I’ve had the honor of knowing Mary professionally and personally. She has the aptitude and passion to help rebuild our state and correct the inept policies enacted over the past 10 years. She will be a voice for West Hartford! Her business acumen and collaborative sprit will put us back on track.

Mary will be passionate for social programs that help all us. Her private sector work experience will be a fresh voice for fiscal discipline.

We need Mary as our representative. I support her candidacy! Vote for Mary on November 6th.

Mark Merritt
West Hartford

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