Letter to the Editor: Town Needs a Change

Published On: October 18, 2019Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor,

It seems the West Hartford Democrats are more preoccupied with campaigning for their friends and getting them elected than getting down to business and serving the taxpayers and non taxpaying residents who actually live here. Yes property owners PAY THE BILLS and other residents contribute by their support in that they choose to rent here (an affirmation of the quality of living here) and call our town home.

We had a governor who waged a two-year war with the Republicans, only to leave a new governor a mess to mop up. The regime of Democrats use our town as a venue, giving press coverage to John Larson. Larson has a meeting on Trump’s taxes while many West Hartford seniors can barely pay their property taxes.

Note: In West Hartford Center my taxes have doubled. The Democrats hold rallies on the Mexican border while drug dealers supply our kids with drugs. (Yes, Virginia there is a drug problem in this town.) We have a Larson rally on impeaching Trump; attended by people from the suburbs, while the needs of the people WHO ACTUALLY PAY THE BILLS HERE are ignored.                                                                                                                         

We need new management. Let’s get new people who deal with the needs of residents, not political cronies. Look what’s happened to our state. Look at the pitiful conditions in Hartford (from which crime is bleeding into WH). The Dems have failed their constituents there, don’t let it happen here.. 

Thank you,

Gary K. Bullard
West Hartford

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