Letter to the Editor: Vote for Jillian Gilchrest

Published On: October 12, 2018Categories: Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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Dear Neighbors,

On Nov. 6, 2018 I will vote for Jillian Gilchrest for State Representative for the 18th District. I know Jillian professionally and personally and find her to be a transparent, honest, hardworking and effective problem solver.

Jillian understands that successful and purposeful representation of the West Hartford community requires the ability to see beyond town boundaries to form policies that benefit our town, state and country. West Hartford cannot be successful socially, educationally and financially without looking wider into both state and federal policies. I know Jillian has the knowledge and skills to create an intersection of local, state and federal policies and priorities to create a strategy that is equitable to all. Without this our town and its community will no longer thrive.

Jillian has been clear on where she stands on the economic issues facing our state. I was disheartened to read a recent letter in the support of her opponent that stated Jillian Gilchrest is in favor of increasing taxes. That statement is incorrect. First, at the Democratic Primary Debate in August, Jillian stated that she would leave taxes as they are and in asking Jillian directly on Oct. 5, 2018, she replied that she has no intention of supporting an increase in taxes. From the moment Jillian began door knocking in the winter of 2018 she repeatedly spoke of how the budget and the budget process are ineffective for Connecticut. Jillian spoke to creating a budget that reflects the state’s revenue and finding ways to work within that budget, and simultaneously finding mechanisms for increasing revenue that are tax neutral. This is exactly how I want my State Representative to think and work.

Jillian Gilchrest is a steadfast advocate and policy strategist on critical issues that represent the foundation of a healthy and financially sound state. For example, Jillian is active in working to get Paid Family Medical Leave into law in Connecticut. This is the type of policy that provides all citizens with the capability to manage financially through difficult situations. Jillian shows up with sound data and rationale, and then works relentlessly to find ways to make it happen. This is the type of strategic thinking we need in the legislature

Jillian Gilchrest has proven herself to be a person who believes in government for the people. Please vote for Jillian Gilchrest on November 6.


Maryann McGuire
West Hartford

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