Letter: Why Revive ‘A Connecticut Party’?

Published On: May 17, 2021Categories: Government, Letters to the Editor, Politics, Reader Contributed
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Dear Editor,

This note is  in response to your article published on May 17, 2021. (https://we-ha.com/west-hartford-minority-leader-republican-town-chair-leave-gop-resurrect-a-connecticut-party/).

I read with amusement the mass resignation of the (ex-)GOP leadership. Just how irrelevant and hapless do these people  really want to be?

If the people of West Hartford don’t like the GOP now, do they really think reviving the infamous “A Connecticut Party”  (ACP) will engender thoughts of Ronald Reagan republicans and the good ole days? No, it won’t. All will remember Lowell Weicker, (the real guy who destroyed the GOP in CT) the income tax, Miles Rapoport, Senator Blumenthal, etc., etc., etc. What were they thinking? Also, embracing Liz Cheney as a martyr is another non-starter with local residents because her dad is Dick Cheney, a man perhaps more reviled than Trump.

Bringing back the ACP from the dead makes no sense, is divisive, and incredibly selfish. If the ex-GOP represented WH Republicans they might have consulted with real Republicans who live and work in this town before throwing us under the bus and insinuating we’re “deplorables.” It is easy to be a proud republican and articulate our principles from that of Trump and more importantly from the total lunacy and socialism of today’s democratic party. We won’t miss them, no one will.

Peter de Hertogh
West Hartford

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