Update: Max the Cockapoo Has Been Found
Audio By Carbonatix
Max, a 4-year-old cockapoo, went missing on Sunday, Dec. 28. Photo courtesy of the Cobb family.
UPDATED: Max, a small tan cockapoo who went missing in West Hartford on Sunday, Dec. 28, was found Tuesday morning.

Mike and Meghan Cobb are reunited with Max at a Hartford golf course. Photo courtesy of Sue Cobb
By Ronni Newton
Sue Cobb is thankful to the good Samaritan who called West Hartford Animal Control Tuesday morning to report that she had seen a dog matching the description of the Cobb’s lost cockapoo near a Hartford golf course.
She never learned the woman’s name, but Cobb is so thankful for the stranger who not only took the time to call, but continued to follow the dog, even though she needed to leave for work, until Cobb’s husband and West Hartford Animal Control Officer Karen Jones could get there.
The Cobb family is asking for the community’s help in finding Max, their 4-year-old cockapoo.

Max, a 4-year-old cockapoo, went missing on Sunday, Dec. 28. Photo courtesy of the Cobb family.
The dog, a small tan cockapoo that looks like a poodle, ran away from his home on Briarwood Road (near Buena Vista) at approximately 4 p.m. Sunday. There has been a reported sighting in the area of South Main Street and New Britain Avenue and another possible sighting of the dog in the Wolcott School area.
“He’s fast and very skittish,” said owner Sue Cobb. She said he may bark but is very friendly. She asks that anyone who thinks they see Max should call her rather than try to catch him because he will run away.
If you think you have seen Max, call Sue Cobb at 860 841-1718 (cell) or 860-521-4121 (home).
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