Sinatro Family Thanks Town, Community for Years of Support

Published On: January 6, 2016Categories: Business, Reader Contributed, The Center

Three major properties in West Hartford Center currently owned by the Sinatro family, including this block of LaSalle Road, will reportedly be sold this month. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

The following statement was provided to by the Sinatro family on Jan. 6, 2016.

The Sinatro Family would like to thank the Town of West Hartford, their tenants, their friends, and the multitude of patrons for their support over the last sixty plus years. Over the many generations, our properties were built, managed and maintained on a foundation of respect for all parties involved, and that tradition continued up to the recent sale. It is a bittersweet moment for us as we close a chapter in our family’s history, however, we feel very confident that the integrity and vision of new ownership will continue to lead The Center in the right direction. It has been a privilege for our family members to have served the West Hartford Center and we look forward to our continued service to the community in our other various businesses.


The Sinatros

Three major properties in West Hartford Center currently owned by the Sinatro family, including this block of LaSalle Road, will reportedly be sold this month. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Three major properties in West Hartford Center which were owned by the Sinatro family, including this block of LaSalle Road, were sold in December 2015. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Editor’s Note: For information about the sale of the property, click here. Information about the new owners’ plans can be found by clicking here.

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One Comment

  1. Patricia OConnor January 6, 2016 at 7:46 PM - Reply

    What better location than West Hartford to have Reins Deli open a second location. It is the best
    We have in CT for NY Deli-Style food. It is generous and reasonable.

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