Updates in Progress to Vessel Application, West Hartford Town Council Hearing Delayed

Published On: January 27, 2025Categories: Business, Government, Real Estate, Security
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Rendering of proposed Vessel Technologies Development in West Hartford, presented Jan. 23, 2025. Courtesy image

The West Hartford Town Council hearing on an application by Vessel Technologies for a zone change to allow for the development of multifamily housing at 29 Highland Street will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2025.

Rendering of proposed Vessel Technologies Development in West Hartford, presented Jan. 23, 2025. Courtesy image

By Ronni Newton

An application by Vessel Technologies to rezone the 2.33-acre parcel at 29 Highland Street and create a Special Development District to allow for the redevelopment as multifamily housing had been set to have a public hearing by the Town Council on Tuesday, Jan. 28, but instead the hearing will be opened and immediately continued to Tuesday, Feb. 25, at 6:30 p.m.

The new date, which will include the applicant’s presentation and allow for public testimony, was confirmed Monday by Town Manager Rick Ledwith and Town Planner Todd Dumais. The Town Council will plan to vote on the application as well at its regularly scheduled Feb. 25 meeting, which will follow the public hearing.

Former Hughes Health and Rehabilitation at 29 Highland Street. Photo credit: Ronni Newton (we-ha.com file photo)

Although the overall plan is for Vessel to replace the existing Hughes Health & Rehabilitation buildings on the site with multifamily housing that will qualify under Connecticut General Statutes Section 8-30g, which requires that 30% of the units must be affordable – and at least 15% of those must be affordable for those with an income of 60% or less than the area median income (AMI) – the applicant is in the process of making significant updates to the design of development as well as parking and landscaping.

Vessel had an initial study session with DRAC in August 2024, presenting a variety of concept plans for one or two buildings with anywhere from 112 to 140 units.

At its Dec. 10 meeting, the Town Council received the Vessel application and set the public hearing date as Jan. 28, and as with all Special Development District applications, also referred it to the Town Plan and Zoning Commission (TPZ) and Design Review  Advisor Committee (DRAC).

The application ultimately submitted was for one building of four stories, with 112 units, including 98 one-bedroom units, six two-bedroom units, and eight three-bedroom units. The rendering of the building submitted with the application showed it as completely white.

TPZ voted Jan. 6 to unanimously recommend approval of the Vessel SDD referral, finding it consistent with the West Hartford’s Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) Neighborhoods and Housing Goal.

DRAC began its consideration of the referral from the Town Council on Dec. 12, and conducted two additional meetings with the applicant since then. Another review of the application by DRAC will take place later this week.

During the informal study session last summer, DRAC members were very positive about the project and Vessel’s commitment to sustainability. They praised the company’s philosophy of building with minimal disruption, and their use of pre-fabricated parts, solar power, and for units that are not only fully sprinklered but also built of non-combustible materials. Other sustainability measures are designed to reduce environmental impact and keep costs down for residents.

However, at the Dec. 12 review, one DRAC member called the all-white, single-building design (see image directly below) a “brutalist iceberg that you are going to drop into the neighborhood.” DRAC members also posed many questions about the location of the building on the site as compared to other buildings on Highland Street (which include senior housing, the Copper Beach condominiums, and Bristow Middle School), and landscaping.

DRAC did not like Vessel’s initial design of one all-white building for the development at 29 Highland Street. Courtesy of Vessel

The Vessel team agreed to further meetings with DRAC, and on Jan. 16 the session focused on a desire to make the building appear more inviting, and to reduce the massive appearance perhaps by incorporating colors other than white into the design. Vessel’s panels are available in oak, and some of their buildings in Connecticut use the brown panels.

“This is way too stark,” DRAC Chair Ray Giolitto said of the single, all-white building at the Jan. 16 meeting.

DRAC member Jim Lawler suggested, and others also agreed, that they had preferred the look of two buildings, with a courtyard in between.

Another session between DRAC and Vessel was scheduled for Jan. 23, and Vessel’s presentation included not only various color options, but a pivot to two buildings rather than the single building. The number and size of units in the two buildings was not specified, but said to be roughly the same as in the 112-unit application, just split into two smaller buildings.

Rendering of proposed Vessel Technologies Development in West Hartford, presented Jan. 23, 2025. Courtesy image

“It is the right massing for the neighborhood. Much much better,” Lawler said on Jan. 23. “Because the massing is what it is, I think the white is fantastic.” Other DRAC members liked the white as well once the development was split into two buildings, but several rendering options are expected to be reviewed before the final plan is completed and a vote is taken.

Once the Town Council votes on a Special Development district, any updates other than minor changes are required to go through an approval process including Council vote – and Giolitto instructed the Vessel team to have their plans finalized prior to the public hearing and vote, now scheduled for Feb. 25.

The final application is not yet available, but is expected to be renewed by DRAC later this week. DRAC will then be able to vote on a referral of the project to the Town Council.

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One Comment

  1. Paul Clark January 27, 2025 at 11:07 PM - Reply

    Looks like a great way for some staff who work across the street at Bristow or nearby in the Center or Hartford to be able find some affordable housing. Plus setting the buildings back from the road with landscaping will help blend them into the other multistory buildings in the neighborhood.

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