Your Vote Counts in West Hartford!
Audio By Carbonatix
The second annual ‘Best of West Hartford’ is underway and all votes cast to date have been counted! If you haven’t voted yet, you have plenty of time!

The 2016 Best of West Hartford Finalists were notified this week and voting began on June 10, 2016, via the link on Photo
By Joy Taylor
The nominating phase for “Best of West Hartford” had phenomenal turnout, and fans of West Hartford businesses are coming to the virtual “voting booth” now to pick their top choices in 49 categories! The online-only voting link is active and will remain active until the end of August so you can vote (once) by clicking here, or by clicking on the banner ad at the top of this page. Thank you!
Unfortunately, there was a hitch in the launch of the voting. For the first four days of active voting, the email confirmation part of the voting process was not working correctly. The automated verification system was compromised when a web server change took place at the same time as the launch of the voting. The tech support team at wants to assure voters that all votes that have been cast since the start of voting on June 10 have been counted.
“If you were among the voters who participated from June 10 through the early hours of June 14, you may not see a ‘confirmation email’ as indicated on the ballot,” a spokesperson for the survey company said. “But we manually pushed all of those early votes through to be tallied. We have remedied the communication problem and new participants should be on the lookout from an email confirmation from: [email protected], with the subject of: Confirm your email account – We-Ha|West Hartford News.”
The 277 finalists were collected via a reader’s survey process, and the winners will be announced at the awards show on Sept. 8, 2016.
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I would like to vote but cannot find the link
Hi Barbara! Here’s the direct link:
I voted right away; how can I be assured my votes were counted?
As a nominee, can I track either the quantity or the source of votes for my company?
Hi David! We have been assured that all of the votes counted – including those that had to be pushed through manually by the survey company before the email response was being generated properly. If you try to vote again from the same email address, you should get an indication that you are ineligible to vote because you have voted already. I do not believe we have access to the information about the source of votes or number of votes for a particular finalist at this point in time, but I am passing along that question to someone else who may have an answer! Best, Ronni