West Hartford Resident and Local Facebook Weatherman John Lyons Announces Possible Bid for Town Council

Published On: June 26, 2017Categories: Elections, Government, Politics, Reader Contributed

John Lyons (right), pictured with his wife, Jessica, will explore a run for West Hartford Town Council. Submitted photo

West Hartford resident John Lyons announces formation of exploratory committee in possible bid for vacant Democrat town council seat.


John Lyons today announced the formation of an exploratory committee to look into the feasibility of his running for the soon-to-be-vacated Democratic seat on West Hartford’s town council.

Chairing the committee is Aaron Weinerman, a long-time West Hartford resident and political science student at American University who has previously served as an intern for Senator Richard Blumenthal and the Congressional Research Service. The committee is made up of several West Hartford residents with strong ties and commitment to our town and includes members from both major political parties.

“This is the first step in a process that I hope will lead to my being able to serve the community in a greater capacity,” said Lyons. “My hope and goal is to be on the party ticket but running as a petitioning candidate is not out of the question.”

The first task of the committee will be to ensure understanding of and compliance with the rules and requirements with respect to running for office.

“The process of running is complicated, making it difficult for outsiders like me to break in,” said Lyons. “When I do something, I like to do it right and with excellent odds of success. That is why I am having the committee look into things prior to making a decision. I love West Hartford but I am concerned about a lot of things happening in our town which is why I want to get involved.”

Lyons is best known for his weather forecasts on the West Hartford “Friends” Facebook page. He is an avid car lover and is the chairman of a large fundraising event, The New England Concours, which supports three national charities.

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