Letter to the Editor: Support for Derek Slap

Published On: October 27, 2016Categories: Elections, Government, Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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To the Editor,

I urge my fellow West Hartford voters to join me in supporting Derek Slap for State Representative. Derek is very involved in our community, and will be a strong voice for West Hartford in the legislature. In particular, Derek will work hard to protect our environment and natural resources.

Like many other West Hartford residents, I am deeply concerned about the water bottling plant in Bloomfield, which could use nearly 2 million gallons of MDC water per day. This plant would be able to use the same daily volume of water, regardless of drought conditions and restrictions on families and small businesses. Connecticut is in the midst of a drought, and several water authorities in the state have imposed water use restrictions in local areas. It is not hard to imagine such restrictions on our water usage, while at the same time, a company bottles millions of gallons of our water and sells it elsewhere.

Derek Slap will be a champion for legislation, originally proposed by Senator Beth Bye and supported by environmental groups, which would regulate such commercial water usage and protect consumers in the event of drought restrictions.  Derek has been endorsed by the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters for his commitment to protecting our water, land, and air.

Please join me in supporting Derek Slap for State Representative.

Matt Salner
West Hartford

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