Letter: Rebuttal to Tom Bavier’s Letter
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The following is a response to a letter to the editor from Tom Bavier, published on Nov. 30, 2023.
To the Editor:
So, what does Tom Bavier suggest as a solution going forward to the war in the Middle East?
If you are going to criticize Rabbi Brander’s position you should have a constructive alternate idea for problem-solving.
I would ask Mr. Bavier if he would trust Hamas in any attempt at a resolution?
Does he think Hamas should not be destroyed?
If so, why?
Jesse Samuels
West Hartford
I interpreted Tom’s letter as saying the rabbi’s letter should not be one sided. Seems like a fair request.
Rabbi Brander did not have any constructive answers. He merely stated (naively) that if Hamas surrendered, the war would be over. This is only one phase of a decades long fight that has more than one side to it.