Letter: Support for Leon Davidoff

Published On: October 27, 2021Categories: Elections, Government, Letters to the Editor, Politics, Reader Contributed

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Dear Editor,

I write in support of Deputy Mayor Leon Davidoff, who is running for re-election to the West Hartford Town Council.  Over the past two years, Leon has demonstrated his sound judgment and common sense as we have dealt with a once-in-a-century pandemic. His experience of keeping the town on solid ground is dearly needed for the next two years as we all emerge from the pandemic.

Leon has almost 25 years of public service in elected positions, all as an unpaid volunteer. Leon and I served together on the Town Council several years ago, and then, as now, I was always impressed with his careful preparation for the business of the Council, his commitment to West Hartford’s public schools, and his expertise in planning and zoning matters.

Today, Leon and I serve together on the Board for West Hartford Fellowship Housing. As Board president, Leon is committed to making the homes at WHFH as comfortable as possible and is leading the effort to renovate and rebuild the outdated buildings. He is a consensus builder and approaches the often complex and confusing world of affordable housing with dedication and a clear vision. Both WHFH and the town are fortunate to have his leadership.

Leon is exactly what West Hartford needs. Please vote for Deputy Mayor Leon Davidoff, and the entire Democratic team, Row A, on November 2.

Clare Kindall
West Hartford Fellowship Development Corp., President
West Hartford Fellowship Housing, Treasurer
Former West Hartford Town Councilor
Former Chair and member of West Hartford Board of Education

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