Letter: Thomas is the Right Choice

Published On: November 2, 2022Categories: Elections, Government, Letters to the Editor, Reader Contributed

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Dear Editor,

I have heard Stephanie Thomas speak on several occasions, including in the Connecticut State House and on the campaign trail for Secretary of the State of Connecticut. A priority that she comes back to repeatedly is “Civic Education.” That may make some think of a required course in high school, but I can see that she sees it differently.

When she talks about her commitment to civic education, she highlights educating young people about the voting process so they can be more engaged in civic life. The more people know about how the government and the voting process work are less likely to believe false claims about voter fraud. They also may be more willing to participate in civic life, volunteer, and even run for office themselves.

Stephanie describes how her experience as a small business owner honed the skills she will bring to the Secretary of the State office. Her ability to bring stakeholders together to find common ground, ask the tough question and find solutions, and her willingness to work hard to attain goals prove that she is the right person to serve as the Secretary of the State. Many others agree, as evidenced by the long list of endorsements found at https://votestephaniethomas.com/endorsements, including an endorsement from former Secretary Denise Merrill.

Rosemarie Tate
West Hartford

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