Letter: Vote For Mayor Shari Cantor; She Has Served West Hartford Well

Published On: November 4, 2023Categories: Elections, Government, Letters to the Editor, Politics

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Dear Editor,

West Hartford is very fortunate. It is a robust town that is growing and attracting businesses and people wanting to live here better than any other town in Connecticut or New England for that matter.

Our police force is one of the finest anywhere with excellent leadership and well trained officers giving us a safe community, and strong demand for job vacancies.

Our fire department is one of the best trained departments with many stations, and some of the best response times to any emergency by the best trained and best equipped firefighters.

Our safe schools are consistently ranked among the top in the nation academically. West Hartford offers diverse learning with great staff trained to best teach our kids and prepare them for life, college and adulthood.

Real estate investors are constantly seeking to build and develop here in town. Many great projects are under construction, most of them including affordable housing, and many more are in the planning stages. The housing pipeline is full!

Our available housing stock is at record lows because of the strength of our schools and community. People from across the region and across the country seek out West Hartford as their new home.

The nightlife here continues to be energetic and exciting. More fabulous restaurants exist in our town than in just about any other town across the state. People come from every county in Connecticut and beyond to experience the culinary offerings that West Hartford has.

All of this and everything else our town has to offer can very much be attributed to the leadership of Mayor Shari Cantor. For nearly a decade, she has led this town through challenges…each time leading us to a better and better West Hartford.

Mayor Cantor understands the pulse of our community better than anyone else I know. She works harder, attends more events and advocates for West Hartford day and night. She also understands the challenges that our town faces and works closely and deliberately to stay ahead of those challenges keeping West Hartford a step ahead at all times!

West Hartford is very fortunate. Shari Cantor is on the ballot again this year.

This coming Tuesday, Nov. 7, please show your appreciation, show up at the polls, and vote to reelect our Mayor Shari Cantor and all the row A candidates.

John Lyons

West Hartford

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