UConn Student from West Hartford Fatally Injured Sunday Morning

Published On: October 16, 2016Categories: Government, Police/Fire, Schools

Jeffny Pally, a graduate of West Hartford’s Hall High School, was fatally injured when she was struck by a UConn Fire Department vehicle.

Hall High School graduate and UConn student Jeffny Pally of West Hartford. Courtesy photo

Hall High School graduate and UConn student Jeffny Pally of West Hartford. Courtesy photo

By Ronni Newton

West Hartford resident Jeffny Pally, 19, a 2015 graduate of Hall High School, was killed early Sunday morning when she was struck by a vehicle belonging to the UConn Fire Department.

According to Connecticut State Police, Pally was seated on the ground with her back against the exterior door of Bay 7 of the UConn Fire Department station at 126 North Eagleville Rd. The department shift commander’s vehicle, a 2010 Chevy Tahoe, was parked inside that bay.

Police said a call came in at 1:13 a.m. Sunday about an incident at 100 North Eagleville Rd. The door to the bay was opened so that the shift commander could respond, and according to police Pally fell backward onto the ground and was run over by the vehicle as it exited the bay.

The Tahoe was driven by Shift Commander Dana E. Barrow Jr., 60. According to State Police Trooper Kelly Grant, he has been placed on administrative duty while the incident is being investigated.

Pally was an honor roll student while at Hall and an AP Scholar. At UConn, she was a member of Delta Gamma sorority as well as several other campus organizations.

West Hartford Mayor Shari Cantor said Sunday afternoon that she knew Pally well and that she was a dear friend of her son, Jacob.

“I’m absolutely heartbroken to hear about the tragic death of a member of the West Hartford community and the UConn community. She was a remarkable young lady,” said Cantor.

West Hartford Superintendent of Schools Tom Moore said that extra counselors will be available at Hall High School on Monday.

Hall Principal Dan Zittoun said Sunday afternoon that the school will be working with The Bridge Family Center and supplying extra counselors as needed.

Zittoun said that he is deeply saddened by the loss of a member of the Hall family. “She was an outstanding young person – involved in athletics and academics. I will always remember her personally with her wonderful smile. She was really excited about life,” said Zittoun.

UConn President Susan Herbst issued the following statement Sunday: “Every student is precious to us, and this is a heartbreaking and tragic loss. Our deepest sympathies go out to her family, friends, and all those whose lives she touched. We know that words cannot begin to express their grief.”

University Spokesperson Stephanie Reitz said that UConn Police responded to the scene but after consulting with the State’s Attorney’s Office they have asked Connecticut State Police to investigate the incident.

UConn will be assisting in the investigation and all findings will be reviewed by the state’s attorney, Reitz said.

“UConn is encouraging students to utilize assistance available through its Counseling & Mental Health Services, and for faculty and staff to reach out to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) if they seek support,” Reitz said in a statement.

Anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact Trooper Mark DiCocco of the Collision Analysis and Reconstruction Squad at 203-630-8079.

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  1. Anonymous October 16, 2016 at 3:39 PM - Reply

    I’m sorry, it’s a tragedy that a teenager died. But honestly, how unintelligent do you have to be to sit against a bay door at a fire station? Paging Mr. Darwin.

    • Smarter October 16, 2016 at 5:37 PM - Reply

      Shut up. Too bad your dumb ass wasn’t the one

      • Anonymous October 16, 2016 at 9:16 PM - Reply

        My “dumb ass” wouldn’t sit in front of a damn fire station bay door where at best I tie up a vehicle responding to help someone and at worst I die. Hate to break it to you, but natural selection sometimes happens and it sucks.

      • Honesty October 17, 2016 at 7:39 AM - Reply


    • smarter then anonymous October 16, 2016 at 9:13 PM - Reply

      How unintelligent do you have to be to post this? You do know her loved ones are grieving and your post isn’t making any part of this better for anyone.

      Keep your opinions to yourself and maybe have some companion.

      • Irony October 17, 2016 at 12:03 AM - Reply

        Both have good points, but I have to laugh at the irony of your incorrect use of “then” when it should be “than.”

    • Friend October 17, 2016 at 1:31 AM - Reply

      She was an incredibly intelligent student. You clearly know absolutely nothing about her. I recommend you delete your insensitive comment and re evaluate yourself. How cruel, pathetic, and rude can you be? You should be disgusted, I know everyone reading your comment is.

    • Humble Girl October 17, 2016 at 12:12 PM - Reply

      You are a complete JERK times a million ! who says this about a person who tragically passed. Your obviously someone that lives alone and no one likes you, Just know that this too shll pass right on to you with that negative comment you made. Your disgusting

    • The ignorant walk amongst us October 17, 2016 at 6:55 PM - Reply

      What is wrong with you? A life was lost and you decide to post some dumb comment like this? Have some respect and keep your ignorance to yourself!

    • Rash October 4, 2017 at 2:17 PM - Reply

      We-Ha should not offer a comment option in this posting. So tragic to loss a life and very young. May she rest in peace.

  2. UConnHuskyforLife October 16, 2016 at 5:46 PM - Reply

    RIP Jeffny. God called her home early.

    • God? October 16, 2016 at 9:17 PM - Reply

      Right, this mystical “God” wanted her to sit in front of a fire station, get run over by a vehicle responding to save lives, traumatize the driver and end his career for no reason, and hurt everyone she knew. Shut up with your God bullshit.

      • Clementia October 17, 2016 at 10:26 AM - Reply

        Have some respect. This is not the time or place for high and mighty commentary on the loss of a young life. You wouldn’t show up to her funeral and tell everyone that “it’s just natural selection”, so don’t do it here. Completely inappropriate. You should be ashamed.

      • The ignorant walk amongst us October 17, 2016 at 6:54 PM - Reply

        God doesn’t choose how you go, just when…just because you.don’t believe doesn’t mean others can’t. You’re part of the problem in this country. If you don’t know how it goes then don’t comment about it.

  3. MeiLin Zhang October 16, 2016 at 8:51 PM - Reply

    I’m so sorry for this loss; however, am I reading the story correct? the incident happended around 1AM??? why not sitting at the library in stead at the fire department door this time???

  4. We-Ha October 16, 2016 at 9:51 PM - Reply

    I don’t like to have to cut off the comments on stories because I think it’s important for people to be able to express their opinions, however if the comments get any more callous I am going to do that. A beautiful young woman died early Sunday morning. Her family and friends are grieving. Keep the comments on topic and do not insult each other. This is neither the time nor the space. This is a tragedy. Thanks for listening. ~Ronni

  5. Honesty October 17, 2016 at 7:42 AM - Reply

    May she Rest In Peace. And anonymous may learn some respect. I agree completely with smarter

  6. Eileen Remo October 17, 2016 at 9:06 AM - Reply

    What a heart wrenching story. God help heal both families!

  7. Clementia October 17, 2016 at 10:22 AM - Reply

    Thank you. I support that completely. A lot of these comments are showing the underside of humanity.

  8. […] UConn Student from West Hartford Fatally Injured Sunday Morning […]

  9. MP October 17, 2016 at 2:47 PM - Reply

    RIP. Very sad and heartbreaking.

  10. […] UConn Student from West Hartford Fatally Injured Sunday Morning […]

  11. […] Pally died early Sunday morning after she was struck by a Chevy Tahoe belonging to the UConn Fire D…. According to Connecticut State Police, who are continuing to investigate, Pally had been leaning against the door to a bay at the fire station on North Eagleville Road. Reports indicate that she fell backward when the door was opened so that the shift commander could respond to a call, and was run over. The driver, Dana E. Barrow Jr., has been placed on administrative duty during the investigation. […]

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