West Hartford Town Manager: Social and Recreational Gatherings Limited to 5, Following State Restrictions

Published On: March 28, 2020Categories: Government, Health

West Hartford Town Hall. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

West Hartford Town Manager Matt Hart rescinded an earlier executive order which was more permissive.

By Ronni Newton

Gov. Ned Lamont’s Executive Order No. 7N, issued Thursday, March 26, restricts social gatherings statewide to no more than five people, and Town Manager Matt Hart took official action late Friday, terminating an earlier order so the town’s restrictions are coordinated with the guidelines that apply throughout Connecticut.

“Increasing physical distancing is critical to slowing the spread of COVID-19, and so we are appreciative of the governor’s decision to further restrict recreational and social gatherings,” Hart said in a statement Saturday. “It is important to have one consistent standard. With the governor’s recent action, my order is no longer necessary.”

Hart’s Local Executive Order 2020-1, issued March 19, restricted gatherings to no more than 10 people.

In an Everbridge message to the community Friday evening, West Hartford Mayor Shari Cantor urged compliance with the state limitation, also residents to avoid congregating in town parks, the MDC reservoirs, or other areas.

“We are thankful to the governor for his strong decisive leadership for coordinating the statewide response and imposing the needed statewide restrictions to minimize community spread of COVID-19,” Cantor said in a statement Saturday. “The governor’s accommodations have been important to allow municipal governments to function during these unprecedented times.”

Cantor said the the message is being communicated to town residents through a variety of means, and in addition to the Everbridge message she also created a video message released Saturday morning.

“We need to protect each other by physical distancing and we will get through this with everyone’s strength, patience and help,” Cantor said.

Local Executive Order 2020-1, which set the 10-person limit, was terminated March 27, 2020. Local Executive Order 2020-2, which rescinds the earlier order, can be found in its entirety as a PDF below.

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