Letters to the Editor: Additional Support for Various Candidates

Published On: November 5, 2023Categories: Elections, Government, Letters to the Editor, Politics

We-Ha.com welcomes Letters to the Editor from the public, including endorsements. All letters should be sent via email to [email protected].

A message from the editor:

We endeavor to publish all letters to the editor within 48 hours of receipt, and reject letters only when they contain personal attacks, profanity, or incorrect information. All letters to the editor are featured on the top of the We-Ha.com home page when published, and included in the next email newsletter that follows the letter’s publication.

While our letters policy clearly states that letters from candidates themselves can only be submitted up to 14 days prior to the election we do not otherwise set a deadline, but over the past few days we have continued to receive an outpouring of letters from the community in support of various candidates.

Some of those letters have already been published, and will be directly included in our Monday, Nov. 6, 2023 newsletter. The newsletter, however, only has space for 12 featured items and we have an overflow of letters and also need to reserve several spaces for news items and the Monday morning Business Buzz column.

Letters that were received after all of the newsletter spaces were filled have still been featured on the We-Ha.com site, but do not have an individual newsletter link. Those letters can all be found below, and any others that are received by the end of the day Monday, Nov. 6 will also be added to the below list.

All letters to the editor can also be found under the “Government” tab, or by searching for a particular candidate’s name.

Links to recent letters to the editor:

Letter: Endorsement for Tiffani McGinnis

Letter: Support for Shannon Marimón

Letter: Support for Deb Polun

Letter: Support for Deb Polun for Town Council

Letter: Support for Tiffani McGinnis for Town Council

Letter: Roni Rodman’s Candidacy for Board of Education

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